I went to high school in Ames, IA, and while there I participated in FIRST Robotics, on FRC Team #3928, “Team Neutrino”. This experience drove to me to pursue a degree in engineering, and was part of what led me to where I am now. I acted as the Team Captain for our first year, and after that acted as the team’s Mechanical Lead. The team worked in Boyd Lab at Iowa State University, and after my graduation from High School in 2013, I started to work at the lab as an employee.
My first year at Iowa State, I studied Mechanical Engineering, but after taking COM S 227, the university’s introductory Java course, I discovered a love of programming, and moved to the Computer Engineering program.
In the fall of 2015, I decided to take a year away from Iowa State, in order to re-evaluate my degree priorities. During that year, I studied at DMACC (Des Moines Area Community College) as a business student, intending to come back to Iowa State after finishing business prerequisites and graduate as a MIS Business major. As I studied at DMACC though, I began to realize that business was not a good fit for me, and decided that I would re-enroll at Iowa State and pursue a degree in Software Engineering.
After returning to Iowa State as a Software Engineering student, I spent the end of 2017 working as an Application Development Intern with MidAmerican Energy. During my last year at Iowa State, I worked with the WorkCyte project, preparing for the university’s deployment of the Workday management suite. In addition to all of this, my wife, Sarah, and I decided to plan and have a wedding during my senior year of college, and although there were hiccups in the process along the way, I can happily say that we pulled it off without a hitch.
I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering in the Spring of 2019, and soon after, began working as a Mobile Application Developer for The Printer Inc. in Des Moines, IA. While at TPI, I worked on multiple applications for clients in the gambling industry, developing in AngularJS and Xamarin. In addition to working on application layout and user-oriented features, I also implemented a background location service for custom push notifications.
As a result of business challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am looking for new opportunities.